When most people hear the word “apocalypse” they may think the end of the world, fire and brimstone, plagues, warfare and all kinds of destruction. But the word, which is Greek, actually means to pull back or reveal. The beauty of sport and competition is that for many of us, it is a place where […]
Discipline, Virtue, and Addiction Part III
Addiction: Disease, Moral Failing, or something else? In previous posts I’ve discussed a major challenge we face in today’s society, namely how to navigate the overwhelming access to easy short-lived pleasures that actually work against our long-term happiness. These choices often highjack our pursuit, pleasure and reward circuits in the brain and our bodies compensate […]
Believing in the New You: How to think about starting new habits
I recently wrote about the challenges with building and sustaining new habits back on December 12th. In that post which you can read here (https://theexaminedlifecounseling.com/why-starting-new-habits-is-hard-and-what-to-do-about-it/) I discussed how our habits are tied into our larger identity and to that end, the story we tell ourselves. I recommended James Clear’s book, Atomic Habits, in which he […]