I recently wrote about the challenges with building and sustaining new habits back on December 12th. In that post which you can read here (https://theexaminedlifecounseling.com/why-starting-new-habits-is-hard-and-what-to-do-about-it/) I discussed how our habits are tied into our larger identity and to that end, the story we tell ourselves. I recommended James Clear’s book, Atomic Habits, in which he […]
A Better Me in 2023: New Year’s Resolutions and Changing habits
For many of us the New Year brings with it possibilities of what can be different, better than last year. Many have grown up with New Year’s resolutions, eating better, spending more time with family, curbing unwanted or unhealthy habits, or in general just trying to improve the quality of our lives. If you’ve looked […]
Echo Chambers, Toxic People, and Counterfeit Community
Growing concerns have mounted over recent years as our life styles’ and technology have allowed us to live in ever more protected echo chambers. Many of us are familiar of this concept, getting our news, conversations, information, and interactions with people who think like we do, all the while distancing ourselves from those who live […]
How to do “self-care” better
Self-care has garnered a great deal of attention these days, as it seems we are all living in increasing stressful times. When I hear people talk about self-care however, I often wonder if those talking about self-care actually know what that entails. It doesn’t often consist of personal indulgences, eating ice cream and binge watching […]
Why starting new habits is hard and what to do about it.
I recently discussed some of the benefits and challenges of this time of year, particularly regarding food choices and self-regulation. I wanted to follow up with that topic and consider more in-depth where sustainable habits for healthy change come from and develop. For many dieters out there, the studies show that losing the weight they […]
Tis the season…to eat
With the holidays upon us, we often gather together more, more meals, more parties and more food. And with all that often comes the internal struggle between our desire to celebrate with food and to exhibit some level of self-control. Several studies and researchers have looked into how much weight we gain during this season, […]
The path forward when Trauma occurs
When we experience some form of trauma, whether that is a big event or a building up over time of small traumas, the end result is an effect on both sides of our brain. The way we often process trauma both effects the feelings and emotions side but also effects and distorts our thinking about […]
Stressed to the Max
This time of the year is often called “the most wonderful time of the year” as the Christmas song goes, but it can also be the most stressful time as well. Some of us have performance or financial markers to hit by year’s end, there’s navigating plans with friends and family. Others of us experience […]
Being thankful for your story
You know it is coming. As you are driving to your family’s house for the Holiday’s you imagine how the conversations are going to go. You imagine who is going to say what and how to respond. Maybe you feel good because you’ve done your homework and feel like you have responses primed and practiced […]
Advice: Helpful or Controlling
Have you ever received a piece of well-meaning advice, perhaps about dieting, how to clean the dishes, or what to do in tough relationship situation, but it felt like the person was controlling you or didn’t really have your best interest at heart? And then perhaps someone else, a co-worker, friend, or neighbor shares something […]